Want to Attract More Clients? Check Out These 5 Hot Tips!
Attaining new clients can be one of the biggest challenges for law firms, especially for new firms. Sometimes it can feel like all the money, time and effort being invested into marketing your firm is giving you no success.
So what methods can I take to go about increasing my client population?
This blog article will talk about 5 ways in which you can attract more and bigger clients to your firm.
Strengthening your relationships with clients
It’s easy to make bundles of cash from completing lots of cases, but in order to build a long-term career that is sustainable and profitable, building and maintaining meaningful relationships should be your first priority.
Some ways to strengthen your relationship with your client might be as simple as remembering specific personal details your client has mentioned to you such as a family holiday coming up, birthday, children’s names, etc or fetching them a cup of coffee if they pop into the office. Simple and small things like this can really impress people and make you appear like a caring and genuine person to be working with.
If you go the extra mile and show your clients how much you appreciate them, don’t be surprised to see them return the favour by referring you to others or posting positive reviews online about your firm, that could lead to more clients using your service.

Online Reviews
It has been shown that 92% of clients will read online reviews first before finding a lawyer. In order to boost your reviews, subtly encouraging clients to leave a review by inserting reminders at the bottom of emails, the business website or newsletter can help. However, in order for clients to be able to do this, it is critical to have a strong Google My Business, Facebook and Yelp presence.
In the event of receiving a negative review, ensure to acknowledge and respond to the review in a professional manner or make the effort to rectify the situation.
Investing in your community
People love to see businesses supporting each other and the community. It truly shows you care about more than just yourself and your business operations. Investing in the community by sponsoring local events and organisations can improve your business reputation and brand awareness.
It’s said that if you invest in the community, the community will invest in you.
Building a unique online presence
Establishing a strong unique online presence can set your business apart from your competitors. Ideally, your social media, newsletters and website should have its own unique content and aesthetic appeal. Not only this, but in order to attract more clients, it is essential to create educational or entertaining content to keep your audience wanting more. Take Sajen Legal as an example. Sajen Legal developed ‘The Adventures of Honey Badger’ comics to attract and entertain its customer base. As a result of this, Sajen Legal actually made a feature in numerous small newspapers praising the uniqueness and creativity, attracting even more attention to their brand.
Copy this link to check out Sajen Legal’s comic: https://www.sajenlegal.com.au/sajen-presents/
Social Media
Social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are browsed by millions of people every day. Platforms such as these, gives you and your business the opportunity to show the world who you are and what you and your team does for others. It is critical to establish a strong social media presence to expand your reach and boost your contacts. In addition to this, social media makes communicating directly with clients exceptionally easy. With notifications turned on, you can receive and respond to messages within seconds of their arrival, helping your business to appear reliable.
By following these suggested tips, you’ll be able to attract new loyal clients and maintain a high and respected reputation within your community, allowing your law firm to be successful in the long term.
About me
Hi, My name is Karen McDonald, I am a business analyst and accountant with a passion and strong focus on efficient business systems to empower business owners to focus more on delivering great value to their clients.
In 2011, I founded Wise Owl Legal Practice Management as a response to seeing so many lawyers caught up with the struggle of old out of date inefficient software. I believe software should lighten your load and empower you to focus on your core mission. As a qualified accountant and tax agent, many of you will know me from my consulting business commenced in 1997, Cascade Consulting Services Pty Ltd (Cascade).
Cascade has helped many businesses, including many law firms, over the last 20+ years, some in the software applications consulting space, others in the accounting and tax practice space as well. Fundamentally in our accounting business, we aim to empower our clients to better run their administration more efficiently; eliminate redundant processes, and understand their finances and lighten the load of compliance.
If you would like to learn more about how I could help your law firm become more efficient, please book a discovery call with me at https://wiseowllegal.com.au/
Mostly I am in GMT +10 time zone.